Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Saltwell Harriers FR / Chevy Chase - Update rounds 4 and 5 of Poly Fell Champs

Hell's Path - probably the most inappropirately named section of the Chevy - as Chris Rowe takes an early lead among the Poly section.

Firstly news from Saltwell - the land of the blood and bandages striped team - and the only harrier league club to put on its own fell race.   John Baty finally discontinued his affair with that cheap, shameless, good for nothing   hussey - the Parkrun - and returned to his first love - the clean, virtuous and noble fellrun. In the biggest ever field for the event with 100 runners - John cracked round in 8 th place. So he's finally off the mark - but his dalliance has cost him dearly in the Fell Champs.
Next to the Chevy Chase - where the Poly had double figures entered - of which barely 5 made it to the start line. But a harsh day on the hills in scorching sunshine and no wind, saw numerous withdrawals - including 4 of our number. It could have been worse as Paul Doxford of South Shields Harriers managed to break an ankle on the descent from Hedgehope - with the air ambulance hovering in to evac.
The field was left open for Chris Rowe - who did not have things all his own way despite being solo Polyfeller . Having reached the furthest point possible from the start in Wooler - Chris developed a tight thigh strain. He was forced to reduce speed as he made his way off Hedgehope Hill and limped round to the finish. But it was really only the prospect of 50 points and a sun tan that  kept him moving. So 2 races - and only 2 finishers . A hard won 50 points ! The league has now slightly changed :
 1. Barry Young 147 pts; 2.Chris Rowe 98 pts; 3= Garry Robson/John Baty  50 pts; 4= Martin Frost /George Adamson/Dave Johnson * 49 pts ; 5. Heather Gould 48 pts; 6. Mal Slater 46 pts
Thanks to Alan Robertson for the photos.
Waltzing along is Heather Gould leading a conga that includes Jane Gerono , George Adamson and Judith Parkinson

George is not stranger to the Chevy Chase - but today a series of mishaps halted his progress.

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